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(CDAV) NEW DYSON V12 Origin – Aspirateur Balai ...
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    Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.

    stefano mazzariol
    stefano mazzariol

    Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.  Empty Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.

    Message par stefano mazzariol Lun 21 Fév 2011, 07:11

    ...In 1993, Patrick Heiniger decided to give the highest ranking Rolex directors a Daytona combining the most precious metal and an exclusive blue dial.

    Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.  16528chairman0

    Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.  Empty Re: Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.

    Message par thomasm Lun 21 Fév 2011, 13:54

    Encore de superbes photos!

    Thank's for sharing Stefano!

    Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.  Empty Re: Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.

    Message par cisco Sam 26 Fév 2011, 11:38

    Nice find Very Happy !

    Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.  Empty Re: Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.

    Message par Invité Sam 26 Fév 2011, 13:34

    Config assez originale, même si ce n'est pas ma tasse de thé. Visiblement, elle est déjà passée entre les mains d'un horloger qui a enlevé l'aiguille des minutes au démonte pneu ;-)))

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.  Empty Re: Rolex Daytona 16528 blu dial, the ROLEX chairman watch.

    Message par Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 06 Déc 2024, 11:26