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2 participants

    HD dial for the book"Daytona a legend is born"

    stefano mazzariol
    stefano mazzariol

    HD dial for the book"Daytona a legend is born" Empty HD dial for the book"Daytona a legend is born"

    Message par stefano mazzariol Mar 26 Oct 2010, 09:24

    Dear Friends,
    thank you for the generous interest of our book in the version available in the 'APP-STORE ([URL =] com/it/app/idaytona/id380496550? mt = 8 [/ URL]), we included a free new chapter called: Daytona Cosmograph Dials (HD).
    Are already '50 quadrants, photographed front and back, the chapter will be' updated periodically with the dials available.
    We are now working with other chapters HD photos (movements, rings, caps, buttons, etc.).
    Stay with us.

    Stefano, Carlo & Gianni

    HD dial for the book"Daytona a legend is born" 015

    HD dial for the book"Daytona a legend is born" 093

    HD dial for the book"Daytona a legend is born" 1-1

    HD dial for the book"Daytona a legend is born" Empty Re: HD dial for the book"Daytona a legend is born"

    Message par thomasm Mar 26 Oct 2010, 22:10

    Un régal ces photos, comme d'habitude.


      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 11 Déc 2024, 10:53