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    The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online


    The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online Empty The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online

    Message par mstanga Dim 26 Oct 2014, 16:38

    The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online 21kjggl

    Dear forum's friends,
    I'm proud and glad to announce you that the English version of my latest guide on the "Omega Speedmaster Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" is ready and freely readable on line at this link:
    It was a great effort but I'm sure it was worth it so that all the collectors all over the world can now consult and gain valuable information about this beautiful and extremely rare Speedmaster.
    I hope that all of you will enjoy reading it.


    The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online Empty Re: The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online

    Message par cisco Mer 29 Oct 2014, 21:24

    THanks Marco for that beautiful document on the legendary speedmaster and on this version, I deeply appreciated the details given on this mission the political meaning of it , technically adapting two different conception, it's a beautiful really beautiful mission. A first tep toward cooperation in space project which are extremely demanding in term of cost and research.

    The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online Empty Re: The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online

    Message par thomasm Dim 16 Nov 2014, 11:28

    Thn's Marco for sharing with us!!

    Contenu sponsorisé

    The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online Empty Re: The English version of the "Apollo Soyuz 'the first'" guide is ready and online

    Message par Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 06 Déc 2024, 11:22