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    Omega Apollo Soyuz "the first" guide ready from 1st of September 2014


    Omega Apollo Soyuz "the first" guide ready from 1st of September 2014 Empty Omega Apollo Soyuz "the first" guide ready from 1st of September 2014

    Message par mstanga Sam 30 Aoû 2014, 21:06

    Hi everybody,
    I want to let you know that my new guide dedicated to "the first" Apollo Soyuz will be available and freely readable online at: issuu . com / mstanga starting from the 1st of September 2014 (the Italian version first and than about a month later the English version).

    Omega Apollo Soyuz "the first" guide ready from 1st of September 2014 2lv1x0k

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 06 Déc 2024, 12:00