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    A study of the Patek Philippe ref. 3700 "Nautilus"


    A study of the Patek Philippe ref. 3700 "Nautilus" Empty A study of the Patek Philippe ref. 3700 "Nautilus"

    Message par mstanga Dim 23 Aoû 2015, 15:42

    We are only at the beginning but after so many years of studies I have decided to go with a small study that will evolve periodically until (hopefully) to a definitive guide. I hope you enjoy it.
    It is readable online at the usual link:

    A study of the Patek Philippe ref. 3700 "Nautilus" 2vaccps

    A study of the Patek Philippe ref. 3700 "Nautilus" Empty Re: A study of the Patek Philippe ref. 3700 "Nautilus"

    Message par cisco Ven 28 Aoû 2015, 13:03

    Grazie Marco per le Lavoro,
    Very nice Job as usual a real treat to dive inside this important watch in Patek history.

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 04 Déc 2024, 12:59